Deleted Users
If an email account is accidentally deleted it can be restored with the command:
tellmail restore_deleted
There is a command: tellmail purge_deleted_users DAYS which will delete all deleted user accounts older than 'days' old. By default deleted accounts are actually deleted after 60 days.
These files are stored in the G_ARCHIVE_ON_DELETE_DIR or the surgemail/archive_deleted folder if that setting is not specified.
Deleted Messages
If individual messages are deleted, and the recycling feature has been enabled then you can restore messages with the command: (THIS REQUIRES THAT G_RECYCLING FEATURE IS ENABLED!!!)
Usage: tellmail undelete[_show] days fromsubj
Deleted domains
If an entire domain is deleted by accident, then use the web admin tool, you will find a 'restore' button at the bottom of the list of domains, and some more detailed instructions on how to restore the lost domain.
(A 'deleted' domain has actually just had it's mailbox_path renamed as follows: c:\surgemail\mbox\[domain] becomes c:\surgemail\mbox\__DELETED_[domain]_xxx where xxx begins at 000 and is only incremented if an existing directory by that name is found. To restore a previously deleted domain recreate it in the web admin then reverse the directory rename described here. In addition if you are using NWAuth you should find a 'nwauth.bak' file in the mailbox_path, append this file to nwauth.add to restore the users from the deleted domain.)
There is a purge button to actually remove deleted domains, and a restore button to undelete them.
Legal Archive
If the 'legal archive' is enabled it's also possible to search it for messages and restore them to the users account.