First download the latest version appropriate for your system using this link:
Windows install instructions
Just double click on the download and it will run the installer/updater automatically.
Linux install instructions
Download the file (with wget, or ftp)
ftp user: anonymous password: anything FTP> cd pub/surgemail FTP> ls FTP> bin FTP> get surgemail_XXX_linux.tar.gz FTP> quit Then unzip/untar and run the install script:
gunzip surgemail_XXX_linux.tar.gz
tar -xvf surgemail_XXX_linux.tar
cd mtemp
Update an existing installation
Follow the same instructions as above.
How to rollback to a previous version
This is ALMOST never necessary, but it is easy to do:
cd /usr/local/surgemail (or c:\surgemail on windows)
./surgemail -rollback -nodetach
Uninstalling SurgeMail
The uninstall is available through the Start Menu - SurgeMail - Uninstall SurgeMail, or through Control Panel - Add / Remove Programs. If for some reason this is not available you can also run "surgemail -uninstall" from the command line in the directory that SurgeMail is installed.
Run "./surgemail -uninstall" in the directory in which SurgeMail was installed. (default is /usr/local/surgemail)