These settings control access to smtp/pop/imap/surgeweb, if you want to control the features available in the self admin screens, then see this page instead
g_access_group - Access groups
Access rules defining groups of IP addresses with certain POP, IMAP and SMTP privileges. When a user is authenticated access is checked against group membership defined in the "mailaccess" field in the authentication database. See accounts for more information.
eg. this could allow you to charge webmail users for pop access privileges:
g_access_group group=paid_user access_pop=* access_imap=* access_smtp=*
g_access_group group=free_user access_pop=webmail.svr.ip access_imap=webmail.svr.ip access_smtp=webmail.svr.ip
with "Access type" set to "free_user" on accounts page or equivalently in nwauth authentication database:{ssha}tVANQo...:created="1060034937" mailaccess="free_user" ...
To prevent webmail access for some users you would do this:
g_access_group_default "normal"
g_access_group group="normal" access_pop="*" access_imap=*" access_smtp="*"
g_access_group group="nowebmail" access_pop="*,!webmail.ip" access_imap="*,!webmail.ip" access_smtp="*"And put the users you want to limit in a group called 'nowebmail' e.g.
lookup fred@domain
+OK fred@domaing config 0 mailaccess="nowebmail"
Syntax: g_access_group group=string access_pop=string access_imap=string access_smtp=string access_incoming=string
g_access_group_default - Access group defaults
Access group defaults for users with no access groups set. (must be used in conjunction with g_access_group)
Syntax: g_access_group_default string
g_access_surgeweb - Apply g_access_group rules to surgeweb sessions based on client's address
This setting has no further documentation currently available
Syntax: g_access_surgeweb bool
g_access_webonly - Users in this group can only use web not imap or pop
This setting has no further documentation currently available
Syntax: g_access_webonly string