Using a simple plugin and SurgeMail 7.4f-5 or later you can automatically convert incoming messages containing voice messages into text. The Google API is used for this.
Installation instructions:
Install ffmpeg !!!
Install python 3.7 or later (if not already installed). See:
python3 --version
Install the google speech api.
Windows: pip install --upgrade google-cloud-speech Linux: pip3 install --upgrade google-cloud-speech Linux: pip3 install --upgrade google-api-python-client
Download the two scripts you need here:
wget cd /usr/local/surgemail gunzip speech.tar.gz tar -xvf speech.tar
Extract and place in your surgemail folder. Then change the line in speech_run.cmd (for windows) to point to your python installation:
On linux: chmod +x
Add settings to surgemail.ini
Windows: g_speech_cmd "\surgemail\speech_run.cmd"
Linux: g_speech_cmd "/usr/local/surgemail/"
Limit the conversion to messages from a particular source adderss:
g_speech_from "*"
Create google cloud account
- Create a google cloud project and grant access to the speech to text API.
- Go to the top of the page, use the drop down menu to create a new 'project'.
- Go to the top again, and select the new project
- Click on 'API's and services' then 'Credentials' then +Create Credentials
- Choose 'Service Account'
- Select role 'Service Owner'
- Create credentials, save in surgemail folder.
- Click on Google Cloud Platform 'top left'
- Click on API's and Services/ Library
- Search for 'speech', select Clound speech to text api
- Click 'enable'
Testing it
First run the python test script to see if your configuration is valid and credentials in your speech.json file are correctly setup.
windows: speech_run.cmd speech_sample.wav Linux: ./ speech_sample.wav Now examine speech_sample.wav.txt to see if it was created. If not examine speech_sample_wav.err
Things you will need to fix!
- Add full path to ffmpeg command in if command not in path
- Ensure the google api is installed for user 'mail'.
Next send a message with an attached .wav file, then grep the logs for 'speech' to see how it went. The wav file must be of the correct format (mono wav file).