Installing and Setup
Some applications come with MySQLAuth already built. If you have not got a build and/or require the latest code it can be downloaded from the one of the links below:
Source: | authsrc_25q.tar.gz | 118k |
Windows | | 609k |
Linux (libc6) (For mysql v4.0) | mysqlauth_2.5a_linux.tar.gz | 594k |
Linux 64bit | mysqlauth_25q_linux64.tar.gz | |
Solaris (For mysql v4.0) | mysqlauth_2.4b_solaris7_sparc.tar.gz | 670k |
MacOSX (source patched) | auth_src_25p_sly-macos-patch2.tar.xz |
If you are building MySQLAuth from the source you will need to have a C compiler either cc or
gcc and make. To build the command line prompt would be:
make -f Makefile.mysql config=linux
MySQLAuth comes requires an mysqlauth.ini to configurate it's options. This file is located in the same directory as the MySQLAuth binary OR in a directory specified by the -path command line option.
You should consult the mysqlauth.ini that comes with the mysqlauth download this will display all the default and common settings that you will need.Here is an example of what this file should look like:
# Welcome to MySQLAuth ini File. # Leading # makes line a comment # Save this file to /etc/mysqlauth.ini or c:\winnt\system32\mysqlauth.ini or # in same directory as executable. # Manual page is at, # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# SQL Table Field Names # ---------------------domain your.domain.commysql_server your.sql.server mysql_login loginname mysql_password xpassword mysql_mail_user_db maildb mysql_mail_user_table maildb # mysql_mail_uid 99use_sqlupdate truefield_username username field_password passwd field_forward forward # field_quota quota # field_mailmask mailmask # field_maildrop maildrop# mysql_pwd_set true # unix_password true # plain_password true# Surgemail defaults # ------------------- # info_fields created created # info_fields full_name full_name # info_fields phone phone # info_fields pass_question pass_question # info_fields pass_answer pass_answer # info_fields groups groups # SQL Aliasing # ------------ # If you are using SurgeMail this section is not needed. # As aliasing in surgeMail is NOT stored in the external # database. This section is for systems which have external # apps which create/maintain a seperate alias database. # mysql_mail_alias_db maildb # mysql_mail_alias_table alias# field_aliasuser alias # field_alias username# Other Extended Fields # ---------------- # info_fields <mysql schema field> <netauth field> # enable new format passwords (mysql 8) mysqlauth 2.5q mysql_password_field SHA2 |
The table below display the available options are available to use:
Label | Example | Default | Explanation |
domain | your.default.domain | none | This is default domain that is appended to any username which does not already have a domain setting attached. |
field_username | user | username | The label of the username field in your table. |
field_password | password | passwd | The label of the password field in your table. |
field_forward | fwd | forward | The label of the forward field in your table. This is the forwarding information that SurgeMail uses to determine whether mail for the account looked up should be delivered to a different address. |
field_quota | quota | none | The label of the quota field in your table. This is the disk quota which the user has. eg: 100k, 10M |
field_mailmask | mailmask | none | The label of the mailmask field in your table. This is the IP mask which MySQLAuth checks against the from IP of the user. If specified, this forces the user to connect only to the specified IP in order to collect mail (POP). |
field_maildrop | maildrop | none | The label of the maildrop field in your table. This is the location where SurgeMail will drop the user mail files. NB: if the field value is empty in the database (NULL), MySQLAuth will return the keyword 'config' indicating that the server knows where to locate the drop file. |
info_fields | auth_name mysql_name | none | This setting allows you to pass any MySQL setting in the user database back to the program that is using MySQLAuth. The 'mysql_name' is the name that your MySQL server uses. 'auth_name' is the name that you want MySQLAuth to display when returning the information. |
log_path | mysqlauth.log | auth.log | This is the MySQLAuth log file. |
mysql_server mysql_server2 | your.sql.server | none | This is the IP or name of the computer hosting the MySQL server. The second MySQL server setting is used if the first server goes down. |
mysql_login | username | none | This is the username that has access to the correct database and table that stores the usernames and passwords. |
mysql_password | password | none | This is the password that is required and used in conjunction with mysql_login. |
mysql_mail_user_db | user_data | maildb | This is the database name where the mail usernames are stored. |
mysql_mail_user_table | users_list | maildb | This is the table name that is within the mail user database that has the user details. |
mysql_mail_alias_db | alias_data | none | This is the database name where the alias usernames are stored. |
mysql_mail_alias_table | alias_list | aliasdb | This is the table name that is within the alias user database that has the user details. |
mysql_mail_uid | 99 | 0 | This is the unique mail ID. NB: by default, MySQLAuth returns 0 for this, which indicates to the SurgeMail Servers that the user ID should not be checked. |
sqlsuffix_lookup_where | admin=false | none | This is the extra information that is added to the end of the 'SELECT .. FROM .. WHERE" MySQL command when the MyAuth is doing a lookup command. |
sqlsuffix_check_where | admin=false | none | This is the extra information that is added to the end of the 'SELECT .. FROM .. WHERE" MySQL command when the myauth is doing a check command. |
sqlsuffix_set | admin=false | none | This is the extra information that is added to the end of the 'SET" MySQL command. |
domain_split | mysqldomainname | none | This will split up the user@domain into 2 separate fields when talking to the SQL server. Were the value of this setting is the name of the MySQL server label. |
unix_password | true | none | This will encode passwords with the unix 'crypt()' command. |
check_md5 | true | false | Enable md5 password checking |
use_md5_prefix | true | false | Add the 'md5' prefix to md5 encrypted passwords {md5} |
set_md5 | true | false | Generate 'md5' encrypted passwords when setting a new password |
md5_salt_field | salt | none | The field in your database that contains the 'salt' information for password checking |
use_sqlupdate | true | false | This causes 'set' commands to use the mysql update function to modify users. The default behaviour is to delete and re-create them. (we recommend using 'true' and the update function) (this setting is no longer used in mysqlauth version 2.5 it automatically uses update if the record exists) |
-path | Tells mysqlAuth where to create it's logfile and where to find it's config file. |
-debug | Sets debug mode writing debug message to output (should not be used with SurgeMail or similar with this specified) |
-log | Turns on logging to nwauth.log. |
-version | This display the mysqlAuth version information |
-filtername,str1,str2 | The username on a set,del,lookup,check command is check for 'str1' and replaced with 'str2' |
-convert_nwauth nwauth_path | This will create a 'nw_convert.bat' file from the nwauth.add and nwauth.txt files that when run will run MySQLAuth with various command to make the SQL database match NWAuth setup. |
Supported Commands
The commands below are the list of commands that this module supports. For a full description about the command see Authentication Protocol
Command | Parameters |
check | <user> <pass> |
lookup | <user> |
set | <user> <pass>|(NULL) [label="value"] |
del | <user> |
search | <string> [-from n] [-max m] |
version | |
verbose | |
help | |
quit | |
exit |
Creating/Using a MySQL Database
MySQLAuth requires a MySQL database which is setup and working. The database that is setup must have a username and a password that is encrypted using the MySQL command PASSWORD(). You can either create a new database/table for MySQLAuth or use a current database that has usernames and passwords.
New Database:
Below are instructions on how to setup a brand new database and table to work with MySQLAuth, with all of the features that MySQLAuth provides.
Install mysql server (we used 5.1 but any version should work) Setup a root password: mysqladmin -u root password secret Set those details in mysqlauth.ini mysql_login root mysql_password secret Create database: mysql -u root -p Password> secret create database maildb; use maildb; # Note 'groups' change to 'xgroups' due to syntax change in mysql # Translation added in mysqlauth.ini CREATE TABLE maildb ( username VARCHAR(128) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, passwd VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT '*' NOT NULL, forward VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT '', quota VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT '', mailmask VARCHAR(18) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, maildrop VARCHAR(255), domain VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT '', created VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT '', full_name VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT '', phone VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT '', xgroups VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT '', smsto VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT '', mailaccess VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT '', mailstatus VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT '', spf_block VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT '', disabled VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT '', alias_quota VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT '', list_quota VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT '', user_access VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT '', send_limit VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT '', tohost VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT '', realuser VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT '', allow VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT '', friends VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT '', enotify VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT '', ddpriv VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT '', ddfrom VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT '', ccname VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT '', ccnumber VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT '', ccexpires VARCHAR(20) DEFAULT '', ccciv VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT '', cctype VARCHAR(128) DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY (username) ); CREATE TABLE alias ( username VARCHAR(128) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, alias VARCHAR(128) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (username) ); # Create an example user to test with (change your.domain to match your surgemail domain name) INSERT INTO maildb VALUES ('test@your.domain', SHA2('test',512), '','100mb', '','','','' ,'','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','' );
To manually remove a user the command is:
DELETE FROM maildb WHERE username=''
The inserting and deleting of users is usually taken care of by MySQLAuth. The above is to show how you would do this manually.
The mysqlauth.ini settings for the above would look like the following:
mysql_server your.sql.server
mysql_login root
mysql_password passworddomain your.default.domain
mysql_mail_user_db maildb
mysql_mail_user_table maildbfield_username username
field_password passwd
field_forward forward
field_quota quota
field_mailmask mailmask
field_maildrop maildropinfo_fields created created
info_fields full_name full_name
info_fields phone phone
info_fields pass_question pass_question
info_fields pass_answer pass_answer
info_fields groups xgroups
Now test the authent module manually:
c:> mysqlauth
lookup test@your.domain
check test@your.domain test
set test2@your.domain test2
check test2@your.domain test2
Using Current DataBase:
If you already have an existing database which you wish to use then as long as the usernames are unique and the password field is encrypted using the PASSWORD() MySQL command you should simply be able to change the ini settings to point to this database, table and field label names.
eg: If you have a database called 'accounts' and a table called 'mail_users' that stores all sorts of information but has the username field names 'name' and the password field called 'pwd' then the ini settings that you required are:
mysql_server your.sql.server
mysql_login login
mysql_password passworddomain your.default.domain
mysql_mail_user_db accounts
mysql_mail_user_table mail_usersfield_username name
field_password pwd
If you also have the ability to store the mail quota or forwarding, then you can add these ini settings as well...
ie: field_forward forward
field_quota quota
Converting nwauth database to mysqlauth
The MySQLAuth binary has a command line switch -convert_nwauth to convert the nwauth database into mysql, use it like this:
nwauth -size 1
set a a
del a
(unix) ./mysqlauth -convert_nwauth /usr/local/surgemail ./mysqlauth
(windows) mysqlauth -convert_nwauth c:\surgemail mysqlauth
and it will produce 2 files:
Edit mysqlauth.ini and set plain_password true
These represent 2 different ways to import the users, we'll just use the 2nd method which is faster. Before you do, you need to set the:
plain_password true setting in mysqlauth.ini, this prevents it from re-encoding the
already encoded password, once set you can run:
./mysqlauth < nw_input.dat
Edit mysqlauth.ini and set unix_password true