
Installation guides

Rest /api access to admin accounts

Account Creation - Web Interface Account Creation - User Self Creation Users can optionally create or sign-up for accounts via...

Mirror Setup

Mirroring the server - What is mirroring. The SurgeMail 'Mirror' system allows you to link two systems together and read...

Enable SSL (LetsEncrypt)

Add or check these settings. The config checker will do this for you. g_ssl_per_domain "true" g_ssl_auto "true" g_webmail_port "80,7080" Then...

Customizable Message Templates

There are several internally generated emails: Delivery failure Sent when a message cannot be delivered. Delivery warning Sent when there...

DKIM / DomainKeys DMARC

How to turn it on Set g_dkim_sign "true" On the web admin interface search for "Create DKIM" then click on...

Amazon SES

This guide helps you setup SurgeMail to send outgoing mail via an Amazon-SES account. Signup on amazon's website: Follow...

SMS Gateway

Note: Supersceded by Twilio Gateway See Twilio Gateway Sending to an email to sms gateway Lets assume the gateway you...

Authent Module NWAUTH

Installing and Setup (windows) g_authent_process "c:\surgemail\nwauth.exe -path c:\surgemail" (linux) g_authent_process "./nwauth" Optional Command Line Options: -path Tells NWAuth where to...

Don't Panic

These are emergency/disaster recovery procedures to fix the server and get it running if something really bad happens. Some key...

Automatic EMAIL configuration.

For Outlook, Thunderbird, IOS. Using autodiscover.xml and config-v1.1.xml and ios.mobileconfig Some email clients have methods to auto detect server settings...

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