Account Creation - Web Interface Account Creation - User Self Creation Users can optionally create or sign-up for accounts via...
Mirroring the server - What is mirroring. The SurgeMail 'Mirror' system allows you to link two systems together and read...
Add or check these settings. The config checker will do this for you. g_ssl_per_domain "true" g_ssl_auto "true" g_webmail_port "80,7080" Then...
There are several internally generated emails: Delivery failure Sent when a message cannot be delivered. Delivery warning Sent when there...
How to turn it on Set g_dkim_sign "true" On the web admin interface search for "Create DKIM" then click on...
This guide helps you setup SurgeMail to send outgoing mail via an Amazon-SES account. Signup on amazon's website: Follow...
Note: Supersceded by Twilio Gateway See Twilio Gateway Sending to an email to sms gateway Lets assume the gateway you...
Installing and Setup (windows) g_authent_process "c:\surgemail\nwauth.exe -path c:\surgemail" (linux) g_authent_process "./nwauth" Optional Command Line Options: -path Tells NWAuth where to...
These are emergency/disaster recovery procedures to fix the server and get it running if something really bad happens. Some key...
For Outlook, Thunderbird, IOS. Using autodiscover.xml and config-v1.1.xml and ios.mobileconfig Some email clients have methods to auto detect server settings...