
Installation guides

CalDAV plugin install

This provides surgemail standalone CalDAV calendaring support (including calendar sharing) for mobile devices and desktop clients. Surgemail 7.4q+ uses SabreDAV...

CalDAV client configuration

SurgeMail CalDAV User Setup This provides surgemail standalone CalDAV calendaring support (including calendar sharing) for mobile devices and desktop clients....

Moving or Migrating SurgeMail to a new system

How do I move SurgeMail to a new machine? There are two ways of doing this, one is basically copying...

Manual SSL Certificates

We strongly recommend you use LetsEncrypt instead of manual certificates How to get a signed certificate (STOP, GO TO THE...

Speech to text conversion

Using a simple plugin and SurgeMail 7.4f-5 or later you can automatically convert incoming messages containing voice messages into text....

DList language translation

All language files are in ASCII text, and can be modified with any good text editor. All you need to...

Disable your Firewall

Linux has an plethora of annoying firewalls, in general, the thing to do is to turn them off as they...

Twofactor Authentication 2fa

To enable two factor authentication set  g_pass_twofactor “true” then the users can enable two factor authentication in their user self admin...


g_url_redirect – Sends http 301 redirect to tell browser resource has moved Typical usage to move users from http to...

Domain defaults

When you create a new domain the defaults are taken from a config file domain_defaults.txt which must be in the...

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